Mastering Mini Session Photography: 5 Key Steps for Success - Jillian Goulding Photography

How to Master Mini Session Photography: 5 Key Steps for Success

Mini-session photography is an art in itself that can generate extra income and introduce you to new clients. These sessions have become a popular and lucrative trend in the photography world and for good reason! Offering clients a quick and cost-effective way to capture memories while providing photographers with an opportunity to boost their income […]



6 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Photography Business


5 Secrets to Get Kids to Cooperate for Photos


The 5 Best Styling Tips for Family Photos 


Nailing Down Your Dream Client as a Photographer


The 5 Steps I Wish I’d Known to Turn My Photography Hobby into A Business

When I first picked up a camera almost 15 years ago, there was so much I didn’t know. Not only was I learning a brand new skill through endless YouTube videos and blog posts (#selftaught), I was also figuring out how to turn this new passion into a business. I knew this: I wanted to […]

The 5 Foundations I Wish I’d Known When Starting My Photography Business


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A Guide to Diversifying Your Income as A Photographer | Jillian Goulding Photography

The world of social media is ever-changing, and because of that, it can be ever-overwhelming. But, as photographers, it’s our responsibility to keep up with current social media best practices if we want to build a name for ourselves and continue reaching our dream clients. It’s a lot to manage on top of, ya know, […]

How to Enhance Your Photography Business with Social Media


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A Guide to Diversifying Your Income as A Photographer | Jillian Goulding Photography

Entrepreneurs have to wear a lot of hats, and for photographers, your job isn’t just shooting client sessions. You’re also an editor, accountant, customer service rep, AND social media manager, whether you like it or not! As much as we all got into photography for the creative passion side, we also have to be able […]

How to Utilize Social Media in Your Photography Business


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Art and Heart Photographer Coaching Program with Jillian Goulding

Oh my gosh, you guys! Big news over here. My past students inside my signature photography course, Art & Heart, all asked for the same thing: more support. They had the tools, but they wanted continued mentorship to take their photography business dreams and make them a reality. That’s why (*drum roll, please*) we’ve made […]

A New Coaching Program For Photography Businesses


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A Photographer’s Guide to Scouting & Finding Perfect Locations | Jillian Goulding Photography

New Year, new you? Of course, we all want to start the year with intentions for growth and alignment in our business. But how do we actually make it stick? I know I’m not the only one who has set resolutions that didn’t last past January, right!? That doesn’t mean lose all hope though. I’m […]

How To Set Business Goals As A Photographer


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5 Tips for Newer Photographers | Jillian Goulding Photography | Photo 101 Course

In fact, I believe in family photo sessions so much that I’ve compiled a list of everything you need to make your next one a success. Get ready to kick back, relax, and even have fun the next time you’re in front of the camera — and spoiler alert: from behind the lens, the chaos of kids only makes it better.

7 Tips for a Successful Family Photo Session

Family Photography

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There’s nothing like the rush of starting a new business. It almost feels like that “first day of school” energy — so much excitement, a little bit of nerves, and a whole bunch of unknowns in front of you. There will be hard days, sure, but something about growing your biz as you grow your […]

5 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Started My Photography Business


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Ask me what I’m most passionate about, and my answer will always be two things: my family and my business. I absolutely love photography, and educating other women in this business brings my soul more joy than I can even express. I also love being a wife and mom to my favorite people on the […]

3 Tips on How to Balance Motherhood and Business


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Here’s what not to do while you build a photography business you love.

Mistakes To Avoid If You Want A Fulfilling Photography Business


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 I’m going to share with you the 5 secrets to capturing emotional and authentic images of your clients, no matter what. I’ve spent the last 10 years building my photography business based on these principles, and they’ve landed me shoots with celebrities and influencers who I never could’ve dreamed I’d meet.

Download it here, and learn how to start taking photos you’re truly proud of… 💫

5 Secrets to Get Emotional & Real Images From Every Photo Shoot

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tips, business lessons, and my own special brand of
“you’ve freakin’ GOT this” encouragement, okay?