How to Build Community & Give Back as a Photographer | Jillian Goulding Photography

How to Build Community & Give Back as a Photographer

As photographers, we are so lucky to be able to capture moments for our clients that are cherished for a lifetime. But even beyond just taking stunning photos, you, photographer have the power to give back to our communities and build brand awareness in meaningful ways. Let’s explore some creative ways for photographers like you […]



6 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Photography Business


5 Secrets to Get Kids to Cooperate for Photos


The 5 Best Styling Tips for Family Photos 


Nailing Down Your Dream Client as a Photographer


5 Tips for Newer Photographers | Jillian Goulding Photography | Photo 101 Course

Here’s the thing: being a photographer is pure magic. From where we stand behind the lens, we get to capture some of the best and most beautiful moments of our clients’ lives. I wouldn’t trade it for the world — but whew, I’ve sure learned some lessons along the way. I’m sharing with you, my top […]

5 Tips for Newer Photographers

Photography Tips

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If you’re reading this, I know you have been putting the work into this “little photography thing,” but let’s face it, you’re ready to take your photography business to next level, start making the big bucks, and feel more fulfilled with your art. And first I just want to say, YAY! I’m genuinely so excited […]

Hobby to Hustle – How to Start Your Photography Business


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There’s nothing like the rush of starting a new business. It almost feels like that “first day of school” energy — so much excitement, a little bit of nerves, and a whole bunch of unknowns in front of you. There will be hard days, sure, but something about growing your biz as you grow your […]

5 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Started My Photography Business


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Ask me what I’m most passionate about, and my answer will always be two things: my family and my business. I absolutely love photography, and educating other women in this business brings my soul more joy than I can even express. I also love being a wife and mom to my favorite people on the […]

3 Tips on How to Balance Motherhood and Business


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Here’s what not to do while you build a photography business you love.

Mistakes To Avoid If You Want A Fulfilling Photography Business


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Know your worth and then add tax image used for a photography tips blog about how to actually set your rates as a photographer

If you’re ready to set your rates well, here are 3 tips to keep in mind.

How to Actually Calculate Your Rates as a Photographer

Photography Tips

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It seems like everywhere we look, people are hustling hard these days. We see t-shirts with “respect the grind” and “hustle hard” on them. We watch people work loooong days over and over again while claiming that’s the only path to success. And even in our personal lives, it feels like most of us are […]

How to Trade Hustle Culture for a Healthy One


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Pregnant mom-to-be standing on the edge of a mountain over looking the ocean on a cloudy day

I’ve seen tons of truly stunning photos over the years – but the images that have stuck with me for the long haul were those rare snaps that take things from “stunning” to storytelling.  Isn’t it amazing that as photographers, we have the ability to tell stories without saying a word? We get to do […]

How to Tell Stories with Your Images

Photography Tips

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Photo showing Jillian holding a camera. Being a mom and a photographer and entering the holiday season can sometimes lead to burnout.. i've been there.

After 10 years of doing this photography business thang, there are certain questions I get again and again both about the profession and the craft of photography! People wonder about the camera settings, how to master editing, and what my advice might be to start their own photo biz. And truth be told, I LOVE […]

The 10 Most Important Photography Questions: Answered

Photography Tips

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 I’m going to share with you the 5 secrets to capturing emotional and authentic images of your clients, no matter what. I’ve spent the last 10 years building my photography business based on these principles, and they’ve landed me shoots with celebrities and influencers who I never could’ve dreamed I’d meet.

Download it here, and learn how to start taking photos you’re truly proud of… 💫

5 Secrets to Get Emotional & Real Images From Every Photo Shoot

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“you’ve freakin’ GOT this” encouragement, okay?