4 Ways to Build Confidence as a Beginner Photographer

I remember on my first few professional photo shoots, I was so nervous I could hardly speak. It was crazy. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE people and love taking photos to capture their memories. But there’s so much going on in your mind during those first shoots—things you don’t want to forget, making sure […]



6 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Photography Business


5 Secrets to Get Kids to Cooperate for Photos


The 5 Best Styling Tips for Family Photos 


Nailing Down Your Dream Client as a Photographer


I always say a great photography business isn’t just about having the right camera. It’s also owning your story, connecting meaningfully with clients, and understanding your “why”—the thing that motivates you to create and succeed. If those are the core foundation of your business, you’ll be set up for success! But I will say, I […]

My 7 Favorite Photography Products & Accessories


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Capturing Moments: A Guide to 2024 Photography Trends | Jillian Goulding Photography

I believe there’s such a deep importance of family photos for everyday life, to celebrate the little things and normal days just as much as we do the special ones. Mamas, parents, and soon-to-be parents… I know you know the feeling of wanting to remember every sweet moment and milestone. Your little one crawls for […]

The Importance of Family Photos for Everyday Life

Family Photography

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Here’s what I know about you. You didn’t get into photography to feel chained to your desk, editing thousands of photos for hours upon hours every week. You didn’t start your business to wonder if you’d ever be profitable. I’m guessing you got into this work because you wanted to create a career out of […]

3 Keys to Build Your Dream Photography Business


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TBH, there’s nothing worse than awkward interactions. Double that when it’s an awkward interaction with a client who’s paying you to take effortless, beautiful photos! As the photographer, you feel like there’s this responsibility to carry the conversation and run the show, so if things get weird, you feel like it’s on your back. Which […]

How to Connect With Clients for Better Photo Shoots


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Running a photography business SOUNDS like the dream, right? And it is, in so many ways! Creating your own schedule, building a business based on creativity, honing your own style, and telling the stories of your clients through pictures—it’s definitely a beautiful profession to pursue. On the other hand, though, there are less glamorous parts […]

5 Things You Must Do to Have a Successful Photography Business


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Photographing families is one of my favorite things in the world. I know, I know… The thought of orchestrating toddlers and babies and potentially grumpy teens and getting them all to cooperate (and not to mention, look at the camera… at the same time) might sound like a nightmare to some people, but for me, […]

Easy Ways to Get Natural Family Poses

Family Photography

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After being in business for more than a decade, I’m always amazed by the things that *actually* impact my photography business’s growth and forward motion. While on the outside, I’m a lifestyle and family photographer in the Sacramento area—when you peel back the curtain, my business is so much more than a nice camera and […]

Why Letting Yourself Be Seen Authentically Is Important for Your Photography Business


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If you’re just starting out in your photography business—or even if you’re a year or two in—you may be tempted to take on any and every client or project inquiry. After all, the path to success is growing your portfolio, booking clients, and staying busy… right? Welllll, not exactly. Those are important aspects to growing […]

Nailing Down Your Dream Client as a Photographer


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Most photographers have a signature “thing” they’re known for… amazing scenic shots, epic family portraits, beautiful contrast, breathtaking black-and-white images. My “thing” that I’ve always prioritized is finding good lighting during my photography sessions. Good lighting can be a true game-changer for any session so I want to talk all about photography lighting tips you […]

The 5 Best Tips for How to Get Good Lighting During Photography Sessions

Photography Tips

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 I’m going to share with you the 5 secrets to capturing emotional and authentic images of your clients, no matter what. I’ve spent the last 10 years building my photography business based on these principles, and they’ve landed me shoots with celebrities and influencers who I never could’ve dreamed I’d meet.

Download it here, and learn how to start taking photos you’re truly proud of… 💫

5 Secrets to Get Emotional & Real Images From Every Photo Shoot

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tips, business lessons, and my own special brand of
“you’ve freakin’ GOT this” encouragement, okay?